Pat McElwain, AIMS - Singin' in the Rain, Port Laois MS.
Typically good work here from Mr Osborne. There was an excellent stage/pit balance throughout. There is a lot of underscored dialogue at the top of the show which can often get lost but Mr Osborne ensured that every word was heard without ever compromising the rich orchestral sound. It was a perfect balance. The extra reverb on Dora`s mic was a great effect and was typical of this sound engineer`s attention to minute detail. Sound effects are a particular forte of Mr Osborne`s and the show was brought to life by the inclusion of some great effects which were never obtrusive. Such effects included traffic in the street scne, rain at the end of Act One and the very clever inclusion of fireworks at the premier of `The Dancing Cavalier`. I loved Lina`s `heartbeat` which was suitably over the top. Mr Osborne also maintained an excellent chorus level particularly during the finale number where some judiciously spread chorus mics were perfectly balanced to give us a most wonderful rendition of `Singin` in the rain` with all of its exquisite harmonies.
Pat McElwain, AIMS - DMDS, Fiddler on the Roof.
Sound was in the very capable hands of Vinny Osborne who gave us a typically strong plot with his usual attention to detail. Sound effects were subtle, unobtrusive and always appropriate. The echo effect on Tevye’s shouted “Tradition!!” was a lovely touch. Stage/pit balance was excellent and no cues were missed all night.
Flawless. That’s it really. Mr Osborne knows this show better than most and it showed.
Pat McElwain, AIMS - Sweet Charity, HXT
Excellent use of sound effects including some nice unobtrusive birdsong at the top of the show and the obligatory splash when Charity is pushed off the bridge by Charlie. `Big Spender` was a triumph from a sound point of view as well as everything else. As the number built and the orchestra gave full measure we still heard every single word from the stage. I am tired of not being able to hear vocals in larger full-on numbers like this, so this was most refreshing. `The Rhythm of Life` was so busy with so many mics, so many harmonies, so much orchestration and a couple of pit singers thrown in for good measure. A recipe for disaster in ordinary circumstances. However, Mr Osborne was in complete control, giving us an excellent balance which was never compromised by the stonking orchestration. There were more subtle moments too and we had a lovely violin nicely featured and in the closing stages of `Baby Dream Your Dream` which added so much to the mood of the number. An excellent job.